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[ Myspace ]

Myspace editor -

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Le. Link to anything, edit anything of that box with your friends. 2006-09-28 Another release! So, another release. 3rd in one day. Pretty good eh? Watcha say? Check this new fancy text generator out. Put some geek touch in your text. 2006-09-28 Woot! Ascii Image Generator Holy, another release ;). 2 Generators in one day. Not bad eh? Check out the new generator, it will convert any of your images is bunch of symbols and text! 2006-09-28 Scroll Customizer So another generator. The scoll customizer. Go check it out. Simple to use and very efficient and bugless. What can you want more in your life? Nothing.. 2006-09-20 Image Slideshow is HERE! Gather all your images and make a crazy image slideshow with Isn't this cool? Releasing so many generators? Discuss here. 2006-09-16 Smiley Generator! New day new generator. Amazing eh? We're really working hard to make this site a wonderful place for all of you MySpacers out there. Make a smiley now! 2006-09-07 Make your own Doll myspace editor

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myspace editor and they'll keep checking your profile to see that counter move up each day! More MySpace Editor MySpace Profile Editor? MySpace Editor shows a default MySpace profile page with various commands. If you follow the commands carefully and look at the live preview you can check how your MySpace profile will look like each time you change something. This way it makes for you to create fantastic MySpace Layouts in order to stand out from the group of newbies. Check it Out! Help! Site Updates & New Features Top Friends Finally myspace editor, we got what you wanted. Now you can edit your friend's list box of your profile. Link to anything myspace editor, edit anything of that box with your fri.

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[ Myspace ]

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